Do People Have A Sense Of Entitlement?

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We often hear people complain about how many people these days have a sense of entitlement, but have we ever stopped to ask why people end up feeling entitled? It is said that the number of people with a sense of entitlement is on the rise. A sense of entitlement means someone feels entitled to special privileges and is often considered a negative aspect of a person’s character. Everyone, at some point in life, has a sense of entitlement, so in the following paragraphs we will explore some of the causes of this event. One possible cause of a person’s sense of entitlement involves how their caretakers decided to raise them. Caretakers can spoil their children by pampering them and not giving them any responsibilities while growing up. Someone who has been given nearly anything they wanted by their caretakers without having to earn it may become entitled. In addition, a caretaker may not teach or discipline their misbehaving child, so the child may grow up feeling as if they are entitled to act however they want. Improper raising of children can lead to a sense of entitlement in those children. …show more content…

One example of this is a person who does not have enough social growth or experience to figure out that the world does not revolve around themselves. Children often have this state of mind but can eventually grow past it. Another example is never learning how to give back to others rather than always taking from them. This behavior can be enabled by other people who constantly give despite not receiving anything in return. Finally, a person may have come to expect other people to owe them something for no reason. This can be enabled by people who always give this person what they feel they are

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