Diving Bell And The Butterfly

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Hello everyone, I welcome you to “Inside a Directors Mind”. For those unfamiliar with my work, I am Julian Schnabel, director of The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. This film follows the tragic struggles Jean-Dominique Bauby faces, a young man who suffers from locked in syndrome; a stroke causing the body and facial muscles to be immobilized while consciousness and eye movement remains. My purpose for tonight is to share three aspects this film employs, allowing it to reach its level of success. These aspects include sound techniques, visual motifs, metaphors and camera angles. Adding to these features, this film also explores the resilience of the human spirit, showing how robust one’s will to survive can be. The use of different sound techniques …show more content…

Many visual motifs were included which held a significant meaning, directly relating to the title of the film and Bauby’s feelings in his position. A reoccurring scene throughout the film is one of Bauby trapped in a diving bell, with the sound of his muffled screams as he sinks slowly to the bottom of an ocean. This visual motif held great significance in the film, on the title of Bauby’s memoir. The metaphor is used to explore Bauby feeling as though he is slowly sinking, like being trapped in a diving bell, having no control over his life or how quickly it decays. This motif intensifies to viewers the little control Bauby has over anything in his life and the hopelessness he feels which is why this motif is included in times of struggle Bauby faces in the film. This is shown when Bauby initially tries the method of communication with his speech therapist, with the seen proceeding with the motif. More positively, a motif including a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon and flying away is also repeated in order to present to the audience the freedom of Bauby’s imagination. Also included in the title, this image represented to the audience how Bauby allows his mind to break out of its cocoon, his body, into the world of his …show more content…

In many scenes, the camera is positioned to reveal Bauby’s first person prospective. A confronting scene where this filming technique is present is when Bauby has his eye sewn shut. As the doctor begins sewing Bauby’s eye, the audience can see, through an extreme close up, the needle and thread, pulling the flesh closed. While this scene is extremely confronting, its purpose is to unsettle the audience, displaying the feelings of horror Bauby is experiencing. Through movements that are out of focus, consisting of unusual framing, we also learn just how little vision Bauby has in different environments, allowing the audience to get a stronger understanding of how much Bauby struggles in his daily endeavours. Beginning the film, a low camera angle is used from Bauby’s perspective, with various doctors looking down on him. This low camera angle portrays to the audience the little power Bauby has at this point in the film along with the overwhelming feelings that he is experiencing. As the film proceeds, we notice that the camera angles become frequently more level with Bauby and other characters are shot to an equal scale from a third person perspective, allowing the audience to understand Bauby is of equal significance to those around him. This is evident when Bauby is sitting with his publishing assistant, with a level camera angle which illustrates to the audience Bauby ha accepted his conditions. As the scene proceeds,

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