Diversity Without Ethnocentrism Paper

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Diversity without Ethnocentrism
Ethnocentrism is a cultural issue that can miscommunication between people from different cultures. Ethnocentrism is the belief that one’s own culture is superior to the culture of others. Though it is natural that people have an ethnocentric attitude (Guffey, & Loewy, 2015), it can cause conflict within an organization with a diverse workforce when there are employees that have a high degree of ethnocentrism. The values that people hold are different based on the culture from which a person comes and those values are what people use to determine if something is right or wrong (Jensen, 2011). Many people believe that only their culture promotes the correct values, these people are ethnocentric. Ethnocentric people do not accept the values, behaviors, and reactions of people …show more content…

Ethno-relativism allows people to see culture within the context of different cultures, it is an attitude of acceptance, and seeing things from a different perspective. This can occur by promoting multiculturalism in school, in neighborhoods, as well as in the business community. The best way to lower the level of ethnocentrism and encourage intercultural communication is with one-on-one experiences with people from different cultures (Dong et al., n.d.).
As organizations become more diverse, management must develop ways to handle the issues of diversity. In a diverse environment, there are different opinions about the importance of time, workstyles, and what are appropriate behaviors. When co-workers with different worldviews spend their workdays together, often, they feel undervalued and misunderstood, which leads to clique development, exclusion of some people, and conflicts in the organization (Jensen, 2011). However, there are things that can be done to manage the issue of

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