Diversity Self Reflection

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During my undergraduate studies I was required to take a minorities and diversities course. Coming into this class, I believed that I was ahead of the game because I had a basic understanding of what the theories were. I can whole heartily say that I am fortunate that my undergraduate credit for this course was not transferable, allowing me to realize how deep the meaning of diversity and oppression really is. I was always under the impression that diversity simply consisted of race and ethnicity. I never sat back and examined the different ways an individual could be discriminated against. Through this course, I was able to look at diversity with an open mind. I saw how mental and physical disabilities play a role in stigma and I learned a …show more content…

You did not lecture at us, but instead, allowed us to express our own opinions comfortably amongst one another. You, nor my peers, ever expressed any judgments towards another classmate, which allowed a peaceful and comfortable learning environment. Reading from the textbook is great, but the class's willingness for open discussion was what really allowed me to grasp the theories to its full extent. I think a lot of people in today’s society fear conversations revolving around racism, sexism and any other forms of discrimination because it can cause an uncomfortable feeling during discussion. We all were able to connect with one another, even if our opinions differed slightly. I am fortunate that I was granted the opportunity to talk about my own personal experiences and opinions because it allowed me to view situations from a different perspective. The content to the course was fully discussed and explained in great detail, but I think most of our learning came from our weekly …show more content…

Personally, I ‘forget’ about discrimination from time-to-time because I never took the initiative to keep up with recent news articles. This allowed the class to understand that these issues are ongoing and might only be getting worse as time proceeds on. There are times where I will be watching the news or see an article on Facebook and I say to myself “Wow this will be a good article to use for my weekly discussion”. I am most definitely more aware of the issues going on in today’s society due to our weekly article discussions. It was a pleasure to be a part of the diversity and oppression course this term. I think that it was a fantastic experience and I hope to take another class with you in the

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