Diversity In The Workplace

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Diversity at the workplace has become very important for companies. According to the article "the truth about diversity-and why it matters" from Forbes, diversity and inclusion lead to success, as long as everyone experiences the feeling of belonging at their workplace. This article mentions that studies have shown that having diversity in a workplace leads to more creative teams and contributes more to the company. Everyone has the responsibility to make people they know feel comfortable. The work ethics of a person improves when a person feels that they belong somewhere for subsequent it benefits the company. It's important to prioritize diversity so that people from all backgrounds can bring their unique strengths, ability, and ideas to …show more content…

People need to start getting comfortable with being uncomfortable and accept that achieving diversity isn't easy. Diverse teams can perform better than homogenous teams every time in terms of performance. Homogenous teams usually feel great during the process and still don't successfully approach their goal. Diverse teams feel miserable during the process until they finished and successfully approach their goal. Companies need to become conscious and know that they can do better and create cultures of inclusivity. They should also track the process toward their set goals. For instance, some companies have made diversity a part of their review process to ensure that they are creating a diverse workplace. Treating employees like family will embrace, create a collaborative and safe place for …show more content…

It has been proven that businesses do exceptionally well when they have incorporated diversity into their company. One of the biggest topics that a Forbes article, written by Ekaterina Walter, discusses how having diversity in the workplace is key for innovation. This then leads to an overall success in the company. She also mentions that not only does diversity aid innovation, it also contributes to creativity. Both of these attributes go easily hand in hand. One cannot have innovation if they do not have creativity. Creativity allows people to be able to think outside the box which will really aid in the success of the company. When one puts people with different backgrounds together to work, these results are bound to happen. Having a diverse set of people will also bring another perspective to the project. This perspective can come from the different experiences each member of the group has had or the background they had growing up. If a group all had the same thinking, there is really only so far, they can go because there is no one to question the ideas of the group. It will stop the innovation of that group. No one will try to change it to make it better or have a second opinion to offer. Looking at all these benefits, we should go and have every company be diverse friendly. Most companies are doing so as well. To bring in so much diversity, companies must be sure that they have been

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