Diversity In Rebekah Nathan's Essay 'Paper Tigers'

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One's dream and desires to supplant in life must be stronger and prominent than limitations set forth by society and others. Society tells oneself you cannot succeed because you are a women, you are too Asian, too Hispanic, and too African American. Everybody dreams of a world where there is equality amongst people in the work force and in daily life. In “paper Tigers,” by Wesley Yang he discusses his own experiences as an Asian American, tying them into the larger picture of Asians functioning in American society. In Rebekah Nathan’s essay “Community and Diversity” she explores the importance of community and diversity on college campus. In order for personal development and success there must be diversity, and a strong community because the …show more content…

In today’s society there are many diverse cultures, different types of people and mindsets. Diversity is defined as different people coming together to diffuse their cultures. Diversity brings humanity together, it teaches you different things about why people do certain things and act a different way. Diversity promotes personal growth and a healthy society because it challenges stereotyped preconceptions. Nathan states, “there is no doubt that active racism also plays a part in the lack of diversity on college campuses” (Nathan 325) Racism affects diversity it is an invisible issue. No one wants to talk about race because people are not comfortable with it, especially in public, because it is such a controversial topic. In order for their to be diversity people need to talk about the real issues limiting diversity such as race and discrimination amongst people. Diversity strengthens communities and the work place. Lack of diversity through discrimination has lead to an environment of sexism and racism that affects the workplace and daily lives thus affecting personal development and …show more content…

Unfortunately the American dream is hard to obtain for people because gender and minority discrimination is still eminent in today’s society. Discrimination leads to a lack of self-confidence thus threatening personal success. Confidence is needed to push through the walls society builds up against minorities. From the moment a women enters the work force after college, she is faced with much discrimination and unjust belief that she will not be able to do as well of a job than a man. Women are faced with the glass ceiling, which is defined as an invisible barrier that prevents someone from achieving further success. Women tend to have pink-collar jobs such as waitress, assistant, nurse, and a pre-school teacher rather than being a CEO. Asian Americans also face the same problem known as the bamboo ceiling. It leaves Asians at junior level jobs such as a doctor, lawyer, and engineer, and none in the higher reaches of leadership. Yang states, “Asain-American success is typically taken to ratify the American dream and to prove that minorities can make it in this country without handouts” (Yang 534). To many people success is the American dream. To obtain the American dream people need to ignore the discrimination and do whatever it takes get to one’s

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