Diverse Childhood Experiences Essay

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There are adults that suffer from health ailments that can be tied to childhood trauma/maltreatment. In, recent years there have been research that looked at Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’S) and their relation to health. Adults with a high ACE score were more likely than those with a lower score to have health related issues.ACEs are a significant risk factor for substance use disorders and can impact prevention efforts. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are stressful or traumatic events, including abuse and neglect. While there are common factors there are also differences between genders and how they internalize being abused. This paper will detail the various issues and concerns seen in adulthood that stem from child sexual abuse/trauma. …show more content…

It includes fondling, rape, and exposing a child to other sexual activities. Irrespective of how childhood sexual abuse is defined it generally has significant negative and pervasive psychological impact on its victims.(Ratican,K. 1992)

Effects of Child Sexual Abuse

Physical Effects
Adults abused as children are ten times more likely to suffer from physical ailments such as chronic pain/body aches ranging from minor to severe. Many adult survivors of child sexual abuse become addicted to drugs and alcohol,
While men don’t seem to have any physical symptoms specific to them, women may experience pelvic pain, gynecological problems, painful intercourse, discomfort/retraumatization during a gynecological exam and childbirth may trigger old feelings and memories. (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007)

Sexual Effects
The sexual effects that many survivors experience are sexual dysfunction (desire, arousal,and orgasm), they are more likely to be promiscuous and had an STD,associate sex with abuse and many have feelings of disgust/panic when it comes to sex and relationship/intimacy issues/concerns, PTSD and flashbacks. In women, prostitution and early pregnancy have been associated with sexual abuse. (Baram DA, Basson

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