Divergent is Cool

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Like in many dystopian novels, Divergent has divided different types of people into created class structures to try and perfect humanity and prevent war. These structures are called factions, and people born or switched into them are forced to live their lives and think as the faction demands it. These factions are separated by their character between selflessness, peacefulness, honesty, intelligence, and bravery. Human beings cannot be limited to a single characteristic and one way of thinking. The leaders make it out so the people feel as if they have a choice in what they do with their lives, but the truth is that they are only given the choice to choose between a few pre-determined lifestyles. If they fail initiation going into a new faction, they are forced to live outside of the society; factionless. This system is not a beneficial way to structure a society. The point of these factions is to lead to a better society and a better world, but war and rebellion are inevitable. Having people forced to live in different factions based on how they act and think, and limiting them only to that nature is not better, but ludicrous.
Something that seems to be working well in Tris’ society is the factions mostly keeping to their own and all contributing to help the society become better. Erudite controls the social media and newspapers, Abnegation controls the government, Amity grows the food for the factions and controls farming, and Dauntless is in control of protecting everyone in the city and guarding the gates. All together working as a whole creates the illusion of a perfect society. Until human nature kicks in and the bad contaminates the society. A revolt is in the control of a single faction. Without all the pieces working, ...

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...as each of the five characteristics, though some more than others. Divergent individuals should not be prosecuted, because they are just like everyone else.
Tris’ mother says that everyone would rather be dead than factionless because community is most important, but maybe there could just be one big faction, raised Abnegation, but also having different characteristics. If everyone were Abnegation things would work better. Everyone could be raised to want less and get less so that they would be content, and greed would not poison them. Tris’ father says “Those who want power and get it live in terror of losing it. That’s why we have to give power to those who do not want it.” If everyone was Abnegation and the decisions were thought out by everyone, things would be fair. No one would become desperate for power, and no one would disagree with the power and rebel.

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