Disney Didn T Change: The Similarities Between Mulan And Moana

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Disney Didn’t Change Everybody loves the Disney princesses. They’re pretty, they sing, and they have cute animal companions. But most people don’t notice the similarities in themes of the movies, such as Mulan and Moana. Some similarities between the two movies include defiance of tradition, self doubt followed by self discovery, and the portrayal of family. In both Moana and Mulan, defiance of tradition is a prevalent theme. Mulan defies society by disguising herself as a man, and going to fight against the Huns. Ancient China was depicted as very patriarchal in the movie, so according to the law, Mulan’s actions should’ve resulted in execution. Luckily for her, the commander spared her life. On the other hand, Moana defies society by going beyond the reef, much to her father's dismay. There wasn’t a punishment mentioned, but the whole island was worried. …show more content…

In the beginning of Moana, during the song How Far I’ll Go, Moana sings “I wish I could be the perfect daughter.” Moana later realizes that she is much more than that, while discovering her purpose. Using the knowledge that her ancestors were voyagers, she discovers that the ocean is her true calling. In the end Moana discovers that she was the one that the legend said was meant to restore order the world. Mulan struggles with the same thing as Moana, before her self discovery. For example, during the song Reflection, Mulan sings “I may never pass for a perfect bride or a perfect daughter.” However later in the movie she realized her importance when she almost single-handedly defeated the Huns, and saved

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