Disengagement Theory

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The disengagement theory is one of the psychological theories on the development process of ageing (Williams, Tibbitts & Donohue, 2008). The idea behind the disengagement theory is that it is an inevitable and natural process for older adults to disengage from society and their relationships that were the centre of their adulthood (Williams, Tibbitts & Donohue, 2008). There are nine postulates in Henry and Cumming’s theory of disengagement. Firstly, is that they lose relationships because they are expecting death (Williams, Tibbitts & Donohue, 2008). Second is that as they disengage, they are freed from social norms which in turn reinforces the disengagement process (Williams, Tibbitts & Donohue, 2008). Third is that, as women play a more socioeconomic role while men play a more instrumental role, there is a difference in the …show more content…

Seventh is the combination of the individual willing to disengage because they believe that they have a scarcity of time as well as the permission of the society by replacing them with the younger generation (Williams, Tibbitts & Donohue, 2008). Eighth is when they disengage and they get more diversified relational rewards (Williams, Tibbitts & Donohue, 2008). Finally, the theory is independent of culture, however culture does shape the process itself (Williams, Tibbitts & Donohue, 2008). One example of someone I know who supports this theory would be my grandmother. At the age of 74, she is someone who has fully gone through the disengagement process. Starting with the role as a stay at home mother who took care of my father while my grandfather went to work. When she started ageing and my father was able to go to work, he took the responsibility of taking care of my grandmother. She was able to disengage by the age of 50 and spend her time with her grandchildren as her children were married and with

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