Discussion of the Success of the New Deal

1873 Words4 Pages

Discussion of the Success of the New Deal

Source A is part of a speech by Franklin D. Roosevelt during his

campaign for the Presidency of America in 1932. Back then America,

which had previously enjoyed an economic boom of prosperity, was

gripped in the devastating Depression, a collapse of the economy.

The President at the time, Herbert Hoover, was a Republican, and

Republicans believed in a 'laissez-faire' policy. This meant that the

Republicans would not interfere in industry or business, as he

believed that non-interference brought prosperity. Therefore, he did

little for welfare and relief to the poor and unemployed. Roosevelt

however, promised action in the shape of 'a New Deal for the American

people'. This included jobs and relief to the needy. The speech shows

Roosevelt's determination to nullify the effects of the Depression

with his New Deal. At such desperate times, the American people would

accept anything promised to them, so they backed Roosevelt rather than

the 'do-nothing' President Hoover.


The two sources B and C offer contrasting judgments on the New Deal.

Source B was by an American historian in 1945. It states that 3

million young Americans were involved in the Civilian Conservation

Corps (CCC), an organization that gave work to people through building

dams and replanting forests, for example. Also, he introduced

unemployment assistance and old-age pensions, and banned child labour.

However, source C, also by an American historian in 1945, says that

despite the New Deal, 11 million were unemployed and one in four

relied on government agencies like the CCC for employment.

Source C also suggests t...

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...iding fast, efficient, cost-effective machines meant

farmers didn't need as many workers. Source C slates Roosevelt

heavily, but puts Congress to blame for giving Roosevelt too much

power and money, saying, "The only result will be dictatorial

government". The source mentions the increase in taxes, the national

debt, inflation and unemployment since the Democrats came to power. It

ends by stating that the war saved Roosevelt: "By leading his country

into war he was able to put every man and woman into work".

Disagreement over the Deal is due to its mixed effects on the USA,

some saying it saved America and restored confidence, and some arguing

that it was very wasteful and damaging to America. My view is that

it's true the New Deal did much for America's people, but the War

really rescued the country from depression.

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