Discuss the Need for Regulation in Financial Reporting

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Discuss the Need for Regulation in Financial Reporting There is a need for regulation in financial reporting because of a number of reasons. There are several major user groups of financial reporting, some of which include equity investor groups, employee groups, analyst adviser group, the government, the public and other stakeholders. These different stakeholders however, need to be able to interpret and use financial information in a systematic way in order to make the necessary financial decisions. If these different user groups created financial reports, it will be prepared in diverse ways which would suit their various requirements. If this is the case, then different groups will interpret different financial reports in different ways. There are international differences in accounting practices. Accounting practices differ from country to country and so do the regulatory frame work and the balance between the public and private regulation. Over the years, bodies like the EU have been formed. There is need for accounting regulation as all these different countries coming together may have different accounting standards, thus there will be the need for financial reports regulation. In the UK, the accountancy profession dominates the regulatory framework. There are at least two main reasons why financial report regulation is needed both within a country and internationally. The first reason is that of information asymmetry. Assuming managers are responsible for preparing financial information. Whereas managers have access to information about all aspects of the firm’s activities, other participants do not. Managers therefore, could exploit their position within the firm to further their own goals at the expense of others. For instance, some companies might adjust their liability figures in order to secure a loan or reduce their profit figures in order to pay less corporate tax. For this reason, there is a need for financial regulation. The second reason is that of comparability. Supposing the managers could be relied upon to provide accounting information on items and transactions of interest to other participant groups. What is the best or right way in which the information could be reported? Let us assume that the managers of B&Q and Homebase decide to buy a motorvan. If the manager of B&Q decides to depreciate it... ... middle of paper ... ...riod recognises that profit occurs over the time and can only be defined as profit depending on the accounting period. Other conventions include the materiality convention the realisation of revenue convention and objectivity. There are several criteria and objectives which are useful when choosing your accounting method. The choice of accounting method must always be relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable to all parties involved. If these are met then the accounting method will be favourable to all accounting users. Accounting standards may however have some undesirable consequences. This may limit the extent to which the preparers of accounts are able to prepare the financial statements to meet both the needs of different user groups. It may also discourage the preparers of account from experimenting new ways of describing accounting transactions. There is no assurance though that a standard procedure will provide the information required by the various financial user groups. Nevertheless there is the need for financial reports being regulated because it would be comparable and it would save both time and money adjusting them to a common format.

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