Discrimination: Race, Religion, Gender, And Social Class

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One of the biggest problems Many people think that discrimination is just about skin color. I think that not only is skin color a focus, but also so many other things. Discrimination is about race, religion, gender, and social class. Many, once they hear the word discrimination, automatically think race. But it is almost always more than that. If you are a guy, you get certain privilege that girls, in general, do not get. If you are in a religion that others do not accept it, they can make you feel left out or like you are not worth much in this world. And money? Well, look at Trump. How many people in poverty could get away with saying the bigoted things he says? These are things that are going on right now. These problems impact …show more content…

Like, “You cannot do this because you are a girl.” Many jobs accept male candidates over female candidates. There are many sports that girls can’t do because it is just a guy’s sport. Even if they do let girls do it in other people’s eyes it is just not right because girls shouldn’t be doing that. I feel like things should be equal for both girls and boys and just because one wants to do something that it is a girl thing or a guy thing. It should be alright for people’s eyes if they do something many do not do. Or in jobs depending where you are working you can’t go higher because in order to do that you have to be a guy. Either because it requires certain things that they only allow guys to do and not women. I feel like with many things they let guys do more than girls because they feel like they could get hurt or that they are …show more content…

Many people are materialistic. They will judge you if you do not have the certain clothes. If you do not have all name brand clothes. Or if you do not live in the house they expect you to live in. Many people think it is to get the money. Many do not have the fund or didn’t grew up in the same life style. Sometimes the ones that grew up with less are the ones that try to success. And the ones that had everything while growing up are so use to getting handed so they do not work as hard as the other ones. That is one of the thing many do not see. Sometimes it is a good thing to grow up without the luxury things because it motivates you more to be a better person. And there is people that prefer to not have things even if they do have money but not brag about

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