Disadvantages Of Mobile Phones Essay

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The mobile phone is a phone that can make and receive telephones calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by mobile operator, allowing access by public telephone network. Modern mobile phones also support provide variety of other services such as text messaging, gaming, video calls, email and photography. Mobile phones have become is very important part of our lives. They in fact become an important part of our lives. Mobile phones are common facilities for all ages. They can be used to communicate with two persons or more than two persons anywhere and at any time. It is very useful for student, as in case of any emergency like instructor is not well. They can get a message from instructor, so there is no wastage of time in going and coming to class. Mobile phones have many disadvantages too.so I think that the usage of mobile phones is unethical. To have a good health and have life in …show more content…

To begin with, when there is an emergency then anyone can call him or her. For example if parents need their children to their house in case of any emergency. Moreover, if children feel themselves unsafe in class then they can use mobile phones. For instance, sometimes, the teacher is not in class then if any student misbehaves with other students then they can use cell phones as a mean of communication (McLuhan and Fiore, 2001, p.68). By doing so, then can feel safe. Location of children can definitely be determined by parents is they carry cell phones with them. But, positives of banning mobiles phones are more than their negatives. Technologies like mobile phones with their text-messaging capabilities can support interaction and this interaction in turn can result in more involvement and proper attention in class this is what can be missed by excluding mobile phones from the classroom (Thomas, Kevin and Corrie,

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