Disadvantages Of Cramming

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Imagine being in the library at the early hours before your final exam. You are thinking to yourself as you are studying why did I wait last minute to study all this material. Dose this sound familiar to you? Well if so you are not alone. Many college students find themselves having to cram for exams the night before. According to a poll taken by The Hawk Eye, 99 percentage of college kids have reported that they have found themselves in the situation where they need to cram for an exam (Gerwick). Studying last minute may work and allow you to pass the exam the next day, but it will not allow you to keep the information for very long. When you study as a last ditch effort all the information that you learn is stored in your short term memory …show more content…

There are many different reasons why people often find themselves doing this. It can be done to the lack of time they have due to other after school events. There are many negative side effects when it comes to cramming for your test. Cramming will cause you to be up the whole night. This alone will put you at a disadvantage because studies have proven that when people do not get the appropriate amount of sleep each night they often have academic issues the next day. To add to the negative aspects of studying last minute there will also not be enough time to remember the material. Cramming may allow the student to remember the information for the test, but most of it will be stored in short term memory rather than long term memory like it is suppose to be. There are many different ways to encourage appropriate study techniques. One way is to ensure the student is in a quiet area. Another way is to ensure that the student is studying in the same area each day. This encourages a comfortable surrounding and will enable to student to retain more of the information without having to be worried about the surroundings. Studies have proven that it is better to study further in advance rather than having to cram all of the information for a test the night before. It will not only increase your chances of getting a good grade on the test. It will also allow you as the student to feel more confident about what you have learned when you sit down to take the

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