Disadvantages Of Aboriginal Society

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Every individuals or group of subcultures are mainly effect or treated fairly with the relation to their values and beliefs or their class in the society. It is important to also note the fact that the breaking of laws and committing crime can lead to greater risks and impact both the lives of individuals creating social disadvantage. Social disadvantage is portrayed as not being able to be treated same as others, not being able to have access to the services or resources provided which is very common amongst the Indigenous Australians and those from lower socio-economic areas. Also, it can be noted that people within these groups have greater chance or higher risk initiating and committing crimes (Australian Institute of Criminology, 2012). …show more content…

However, it must be noted that Indigenous Australians ached restricted conventional market from the time when colonization took place. Moreover, Kidd (2003) states that there is great suffering that the Indigenous people have undergone such as where Indigenous workers were salaried much less than other non-Indigenous workers. These disparities in class create great gaps in employment till today and Indigenous people are socio-economically disadvantaged in health, employment and also in life expectancy (Nepal & Brown, 2012). According to the result of 2006 Census, the average of the Indigenous people weekly gross income was only $278, whereas the non – Indigenous people weekly income was $473 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, …show more content…

For instance, limited resources can have direct influence on employment and education opportunities, which then influences a person’s living standards. Lack of education and good health system is one of the causes of poverty and it influence the level of poverty to a degree that it is included in the measurement of poverty. Within society, people are identified in class and likewise people with low family status are labelled as a lower class or working class and this people are normally jammed together and reside in an area with low socioeconomic. Common features related within low socioeconomic areas comprise chronic unemployment, overloaded housing, health issues, risk of violence and also financial problems (Phillips, Miranti, Vidyattama and Cassells, 2013). Conflict Theorist Marx indicates the societies that are at the lowest level of the social hierarchy as “lumpenproletariat” the underclass, due to the fact that they are unemployed, live on the sidelines of society and are portrayed as criminals and robbers. Subsequently, these statements expressively demonstrate the level of disadvantage that is boarded which contributes as an environmental perception of hopelessness and despair (Bask, 2012). Therefore, in reverse it is very likely that this issues may have impact within the social standard and norm of living in the

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