Disabled Children Essay

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Maltreatment and abuse of children with disabilities are a critical public health issue that occurs in everyday life. Children that experience abuse and maltreatment are usually children with disabilities, disabled kids need special health care provided for them. For, example they may need counseling from social workers and treatment from specialist who now more about their disabilities, they also get help from people who specializes in disabled child abuse and maltreatment. Disabled children have to go through many obstacles in their life such as these children go through stress, sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect this may be caused by close family members and guardians. Many times this abuse and neglect go unreported because many children with disabilities are often voiceless because they are very vulnerable and not able to defend themselves. Disabled children need our help as Social Workers to provide help and help these children build a better life for them and educate equal justice for them.
According to Sullivan and Knutson, (2000). Maltreatment and disabilities: A population-based epidemiological study, one in three children with an identified disability for which …show more content…

Knutson and Sullivan (1993) illustrates how consequences of abuse may cause a lot of damage to the child like physically like damage to the central nervous system, fractures, injury to internal organs of the abdomen, burns, malnutrition, and trauma to the head. Other consequences reap havoc on the heart and in the mind of a child, with abuse resulting in long-term emotional trauma and behavioral problems. This is so much damage that a child should not have to go through, but being vulnerable makes it hard for them to avoid the trauma these children have to go

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