Disability: A Christian Analysis

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So, God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27) What does it mean to be created in the Image of God? If someone is mentally or physically disabled, does that mean that God made a mistake? Disability is a subject, that is never at the forefront of discussion. Throughout history those with disabilities have been forgotten, neglected, and despised. In the 1800s disabled people were placed in institutions or separate “colonies”. There were deemed unworthy, labeled as ugly. They were ultimately a burden for others. Although society has placed its stamp on disability, does it line up with what God thinks? As an analysis of disability in a Christian theological perspective, …show more content…

Also, God can use them. One of the more famous scriptures when it comes to disability is in John 9. The disciples and Jesus were walking, they can upon a man who had been blind from birth. The disciples asked Jesus who had sinned the man or his parents. Jesus replied, “This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.” Yes, Jesus desires to heal disabilities, but we must not limit people to this belief. In the words of Deborah Beth Creamer “When people with disabilities have been considered at all, they have historically been looked at as symbols of sin (to be avoided), images of saintliness (to be admired), signs of God’s limited power or capriciousness (to be pondered), or personifications of suffering (to be pitied)- very rarely are people with disabilities considered first as a people.” Disability should not mean that someone is useless, there are physical limits to what they can do. But God wants to work through them just like “everyone else.” There are two examples in the bible Moses and Paul. Moses have an impairment, he stuttered. Exodus 4:10 “But Moses pleaded with the LORD, "O Lord, I'm not very good with words. I never have been, and I'm not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled." Many would have passed Moses, and picked someone who did not stutter. But God chose to use Moses. Paul talks about “a thorn in the flesh.” Scholars believe that Paul’s “thorn” might have been a physical impairment. 2 Cor. 12:8-9 “Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” Society sees disability as something to hide, to disqualify anyone from being used by God. But God uses broken things, and his power works best in weakness. His grace is sufficient for any weakness, a physical disability or anything. 1 Cor. 12:22-24 “In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest

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