Dirck Lincoln And The Constitution Summary

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The author of Lincoln and the Constitution is Dr. Brian R. Dirck, who acquired his Doctor of Philosophy in History from the University of Kansas in 1998 and has been a professor of history Anderson University since 1998. Dr. Dirck has published multiple books on Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War; for instance, Lincoln and Indiana, Lincoln Emancipated: The President and Politics of Race, The Executive branch of the Federal Government, Waging War on Trial: A Handbook with Case, Laws and Documents, and Lincoln & Davis: Imagining America just to name a few of his literature. Moreover, Dr. Dirck received the prestigious Barondess Award from the Civil War Roundtable of New York for his book Lincoln the Lawyer, a book about President Lincoln legal studies in 2007. Furthermore, the secondary source chosen for the final project is a study regarding Abraham Lincoln’s interpretation of the United States Constitution and the impact he had on the Constitution during and after the Civil War. Also, Dr. Dirck masterfully details the chronology of Abraham Lincoln’s role as an antebellum politician, how he became a fervent opponent of slavery and as the President of the United States. Additionally, the author also integrates Lincoln’s value system …show more content…

For instance, the author states that Abraham Lincoln as a young boy was often referred to as “lazy” by his neighbors because Lincoln was always seen as a thinking individual and a bookworm resembling of a philosopher. Conjointly, the author focused on Lincoln’s views on slavery from a young farmer boy through his adulthood, and during his political career. Dr. Dirck includes critical details of Mr. Lincoln’s encounter and experience of slavery. The book does not necessarily state Lincoln’s actions because the author believed that to understand Lincoln, the reader must first attempt to understand Abraham Lincoln’s

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