Dinosaur Mothers And Children Essay

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Parental care is any form of child rearing behavior that increases the quality of life, gives love and shows guidance to an offspring. Over time, scientists have questioned if dinosaurs cared for their young. Prior to any research, I have zero knowledge on the issue. However, I would assume that most dinosaur mothers would have cared and looked after their offspring’s. When I initially think of dinosaurs, I think of mean ruthless creatures that like to attack and eat anything that comes in its way. Yet, the bond between a mother and child, which begins in the first stages of pregnancy could be strong enough to turn mother dinosaurs into nurturers. Being a female and wanting kids of my own someday, I find it hard to believe that a mother of any kind, human or …show more content…

Paleontologists have resorted to observing parental behavior of close living dinosaur relatives which consists of birds and crocodiles. However, fossil findings suggest that dinosaurs did in fact care for their young. Some fossilized embryos and baby dinosaur bones have been found over the years in a vast number of nests (Norell et al, 2005, p.51). Other indications of child rearing behaviors have shown up in not only dinosaur nests but in trace fossils and in evolution as well. Citipati fossil eggs in nests have been found in ominous positions, signifying that the parents protected their eggs during incubation prior to hatching. Also discovered in nests were the remnants of an adult Psittacosaurus fossilized together with some of its babies. This is an indication that such dinosaurs looked after its young once it hatched. With close juxtaposition from the adult and baby Psittacosaurus fossils, the remains were entirely located less than five and a half feet from each other. This evidence leads to signs of parental care after the eggs hatched (Lovgren,

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