Digital currency

547 Words2 Pages

Throughout history many types of currencies have been used in their purest physical form for simple transactions between people. Initially it all started with the primitive trade of cattle until the use of somewhat more advanced Chinese cowrie shells replaced such currencies. Today, humans have evolved so drastically that technology has pretty much become an extension to our Phenotype. Physical currency is no longer required, so innovators have found ways to create our reality more and more virtually by developing currencies which no longer require to be consisted of physical matter. One of the most notable digital currencies in today’s online world is bitcoins. In the past years it has found its place within the Age of the Internet even though previously many people had doubts concerning the future prospects for such digital currency.
However due to the network effect of the bitcoin, the anonymity of transactions and simply the widespread growth of the bitcoin, the future of this crypto-currency seems both promising and prosperous.
The network effect is based on establishing a solid...

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