Digital Technology Affecting Older Adults

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In today's society, digital technology playing a significant role in everybody's life and has provided so much jot in people's daily lives. Since the advance in technology, a large number of seniors have chosen to return to school for further understanding of digital technology as well as the society. This paper will talk about how digital technology can affect older adults' by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the technology to this group of people. To start, this paper will provide a little bit of information about digital technology as well as how it is integrated into contemporary education. The second part of this paper will roughly look into the benefits and harms of digital technology may bring in teaching older adults through studying from a website or a video. Moreover, there will be at least one case study in regards to older adults learning new skills with the support of digital technology and how the new technology can be beneficial in their …show more content…

The history of adult's learning started between the years of 1731s and 1983s. "Religious instruction and vocational apprenticeships are the major forms of education for both young adults and adults" ("A Brief History", 2014). In the year of 1800s, many associations started promoting educational events for both children and adults. For example, Elderhostel appeared in the "1970s to provided short-term educational opportunities for people age fifty-five and older" (Lowry, n.d.). When the event first started, there were only five campuses and two-hundred and twenty participants in the whole country. However, in the early 2000s, there were over two-hundred seventy thousand hostellers participating in over seven countries. Overall, older adults have become more and more concerned with life-long learning. Although education for older adults have developed almost over three-hundred years, it has gained much more attention in recent

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