Different Ways People Perceive Places

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People perceive places in very different ways, because the meaning that they give to a location which makes it a place is unique to them. No one has exactly the same experiences or background that contributes to their identity, so no one can give the same meaning to a place, or perceive it in exactly the same way. Identity is the main factor that contributes to how we all view places, however emotional attachment (which stems from this) is also very important. In addition to these, globalisation (the increased mobility of goods and services as well as people and knowledge) and the migration it can result in have the potential to be a huge force in shaping place perception, in very positive or negative ways. While group’s perception of a place can often be very similar, it is likely to be very different to another distinct group’s, and on a personal scale there will always be differences due to no person being identical to another. The Kurds are the largest ethnic group of people without their own country, …show more content…

This can also shape a person’s perception of a place, because it may be their only experience of that location, and it is influenced by the biases of the news source. For some areas, the media can be the biggest influence on the perceptions of places that outsiders hold. Religion can play a large role in people’s identity, and Jerusalem is a place which is held sacred by the followers of 3 major religions (Islam, Judaism and Christianity). These religions all have different historical reasons for holding these places sacred, and as a result the people from these different religions will all perceive the place in different ways, and this has led to conflict, for example the Crusades. This violence in a hotly contested area has also shaped people’s perceptions of Jerusalem: some may see it as a dangerous place, while others see it as a peaceful place due to its religious

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