Differences And Similarities Between Pearl Harbor And 9/11

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The attack of Pearl Harbor and the event of 9/11 both have a lot in common, but also had many opposites. 9/11 was a highjacking mission that took place on 4 different planes. While Pearl Harbor was a naval base in Hawaii that was bombed by Japan, and this event was the cause of America joining WW2. Both events killed and injured many many people, and changed Americans forever.
After the attack on Pearl Harbor had happened, people were in shock that something like this had happened. FDR decided to go into war less than an hour after the attack occurred. He most likely decided this because he didn’t know what would happen next if they didn’t react quickly. Some Americans thought that this was a good idea and was good for the country, others thought it was bad and were worried and scared that they would be drafted into the war. Whenith 9/11, americans were terrified and scared and thought it was an accident and that it was not intentional. Then the second one occurred and they knew it wasn’t a mistake, this is when Americans became very very worried. They thought that if …show more content…

Bush was reading to a group of third graders when he got the news of what happened. You can see in pictures and videos that he looked like he couldn’t believe what they had just told him. He acted calm and like nothing had happened since he had been reading to a group of kids, and he knew if he had freaked out they all would have freaked out to. But on the inside his heart was beating and he was freaking out. Bush didn’t declare war immediately after the attack like FDR had done. When FDR heard what happened, and had a meeting with congress. 30 minutes after the event he made an announcement stating that they were now in war with the Empire of Japan. Even though they didn’t respond the same way, they both were completely shocked and couldn’t believe what they had

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