Difference Between Selfish And Unselfish Parents

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There is so many different things that being a parent involves, most people can see when parents are selfish or unselfish. It is a very crucial aspect of parenting. Selfish parents do not put their children first or what their children needs. They do not care as much about their children as they do about themselves. Unselfish parents, on the other hand, put themselves on the back burner. Which means that everyone else’s well-being and feelings come first. The children mean more than they do. It is important to know if someone has the right mind set when it comes to parenting. Knowing the difference between a selfish and unselfish parent is essential in life.

Selfish parents are not uncommon; you can see them in action quite a bit. I personally
My mother is one of those unselfish parents and she made me the mother I am today. She gave up all of her time and energy for my brother and I while growing up. She was a single mother that worked full time to support us and make sure we had all we needed. Though she was busy as ever supporting my brother and I, every time we had an event that was something big to us, she would do all she could to show up and support us for them. During high school my brother and I were in sports and other things that were important to us, we had very busy schedules. My mother was always there for us even if she just worked 60 plus hours the week before. One time in high school I was doing the event called solo and ensemble with my solo on the flute. She had been scheduled to work so I was so nervous and scared because I was going to be alone with no one to be there for me. She ended up showing up anyways after making sure her work would let her have an extended lunch to be there for
When I was 15 my mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and it hit me hard after losing my grandmother to cancer. When she sat down and told my brother and I what was going on I didn’t know how I was supposed to react. She made sure that we were comforted even if she did not know everything was going to be okay. During the couple of months of doctors’ appointments and then the surgery and down time she never stopped being a mother. Even though we tried our best to make sure she did not overdo herself it was not easy trying to get her to stop trying to take care of us instead. Even though we were not super young anymore she still felt she needed to be there for us. If that isn’t selflessness, then I am not sure what

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