Did Robin Hood Become An Outlaw?

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Thorough out history poets, minstrel, and common people have passed down stories of brave and victorious feats accomplished by men and women of yor. These stories usually stemming from a historical event, became known as legends because they were passed down orally through the generations. Historians have come to realize that every legend has come from a historical fact, however they have been changed by the generations to fit their context and ideas of a hero. One example is the legend of Robin Hood and His Merry men. Legends claim that Robin Hood lived during the reign of both King Richard and King John, and was outlawed during the reign of King John. One of the most famous of legends, this story is typically about Robin Hood and his men robbing rich fat friars, and people of nobility to help the poor. However, often overlooked is how Robin Hood became an outlaw. The 2010 Film Robin Hood directed by _____ recounts the story of …show more content…

Sadly historians have come to question the epic tale of Robin Hood, and even then some of the events portrayed in the film contradict certain legends. Historically, the way and when King Richard died is not portrayed correctly, for he was not on his way back from the crusades and it took him much longer than 5 minuets to dies. This film however from a cultural standpoint is very accurate. the povertly the common people lived in, compared to the power and wealth of the nobility are a feature of England during this time. Finally this film revels alot about how our culture focus on romantic relationships, mystery, and crime in order to make a movie sell. AS a group after watching the film Robin Hood and discussing it, we agreed that this film accurately explores in depth English culture however historically changes events in English

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