Did Antigone Have The Right To Bury Her Brother?

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In Antigone, I believe that Antigone had a right to bury her brother because he was her blood and Antigone did not care whether or not that Creon wanted her to bury him, all that Antigone cared about was honoring her family and doing what she believed in, even if it meant that she had to face death in consequence. Antigone knew that the god’s laws were more important to her in the afterlife than any laws that a mortal, or in particular, Creon had set for Antigone. Antigone wanted to ensure her brother Polyneices, and herself a good afterlife. In addition to that, I believe that Antigone had a right to bury her brother because it was her morals to do so. For example, when someone in our family dies, we make sure to give them an honorable death …show more content…

Even if Creon decided to have Antigone die, she knew she was going to be dying for herself and for what she felt was right to do. In lines 81-85 of Antigone, she says “I myself will bury him. It will be good to die, so doing. I shall lie by his side, loving him as he loved me. I shall be a criminal, but a religious one.” So when she says that, she knows that there will be consequences for her, but she claims she is a religious criminal because of the fact that she has followed her own religious beliefs and while doing so, she knows in the mortal life that she will be considered a criminal but because she followed the gods. In Creon’s perspective, it seems unjust to bury Polyneices because he is the king to the city of Thebes while when Polyneices was alive, he attacked the city so in that aspect I can understand why it seems bad to bury someone who did bad things…but also, he is someone of obvious importance to Antigone so it didn’t matter about how the city or Creon felt. Antigone told her sister Ismene to tell everyone about what she had done. In lines 98-100, Antigone says ““Oh, oh, no! Shout it out. I will hate you still worse for silence, should you not proclaim it to everyone.” Antigone wasn’t going to keep burying her brother silent, she demanded that Ismene told all of Thebes because maybe she wanted people to know that they have their own voice and they can do whatever they felt was right just as Antigone did. Antigone wanted to become someone remembered if she died for her rights. Another famous person that didn’t care about if he died or not was the infamous, Socrates. In Plato’s “Apology”, Socrates lived doing what he believed in and did not care about what others had to say about him or what his thoughts were. Socrates just wanted to do what he thought was right and wanted a change within society. Everyone in Athens believed that Socrates was

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