Dialectical Therapy Theory

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As I think about graduating and becoming a professional in the mental health field, I have considered the various counseling theories discussed in class and evaluated which ones I feel I would be interested in using. I am planning to work with people who have severe mental illness, most likely in a mental health ward of a hospital. I anticipate encountering some individuals who have gone through therapy and felt like they were in a rut and hopeless, as it did not work for them, and I believe that Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) could make a huge impact on their lives. As Marsha Linehan first intended, DBT focuses on treating those who are chronically suicidal (Murdock, 2017). Unlike other therapies, DBT strives to allow the client to accept …show more content…

A strong relationship between the client and therapist is very important, as the client needs to feel validated by others to be able to start validating themselves. The goal of DBT is to learn how to regulate intense emotions and to get the client to trust themselves (Murdock, 2017). I think helping someone feel more in control of their own emotions can greatly help them function better and get back on track to their regular …show more content…

I believe that we are genetically dispositioned to have certain traits, but our environment also impacts how those traits shape us as human beings. I believe that the therapist and client need to have a close and trusting relationship, and that the therapist be a guide to teach various techniques to improve the client’s well-being. I personally need guidance, instruction is helpful to me and I believe if someone is in a difficult point in their life and feels helpless, teaching them techniques like mindfulness and distress tolerance can allow them to be in the right mind to get better. I like distress tolerance because we can’t always control our environment and what is happening around us, but we need to be able to control how we handle ourselves during those events. I think this is a practical theory as it teaches skills that everyone can learn to use and that with practice we are able to apply these skills to everyday life. We aren’t always willing to change and sometimes we don’t have the means to do so, but if we take the first step towards accepting where we are in the present moment, we can feel better about our situations and thus use the energy focused on our emotions that were all over the place to moving towards our other goals and our

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