Dia De Los Muertos Essay

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Dia de los Muertos Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), is a holiday is Mexico. Dia de los Muertos is a time of focus on gatherings of loved ones to pray for and keep memory of others who have died. This is a pretty fascinating holiday with interesting customs. During the celebration of Dia de los Muertos, the Mexican people believe the spirit of the deceased visit their families during October 31st, to November 2nd. But, the holiday takes place November 1st-2nd. During this time, families make altars and include a photo of the departed person on the altar. Along with the altars ‘offrendas’, or offerings, are made and placed. These offrendas include, pan de muertos (bread of the dead), sugar skulls, candles, incense, and yellow marigolds. Many families create shrines to honor the deceased, as well as decorate cemetery stones and graves of loved ones. These people also don’t let the fear of death bother them. Instead, they mock and "live alongside" death, hence why this day is considered a celebration. …show more content…

These gifts include toys for children and tequila for adults. Dia de los Muertos customs vary from region to region, but intentions are always similar. These intentions include, opening a sort of communication with the deceased, and to turn the situation into more of a celebratory thing, opposed to a time of sadness and mourning. These communications are usually included with prayer services. Unlike popular belief, it is not a Mexican version 'Halloween', as it predates Halloween by years. Dia de los Muertos could be traced back as far as 2,500 years ago, to the Aztec and Maya. The Aztec celebrated as early as August, and their day was dedicated to the goddess Mictecacihuatl, who then evolved into Catrina, the skeleton in a dress that appears in a bit of Day of the Dead

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