Devor's Summary

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Brief Summary In this story Devor talks about the different ways gender is classified. He explains how gender plays different role behaviors and attitudes. It talks about gender and what it is like to be a gender. Also talks about the how someone can tell which gender is which based on certain features. Explains the different gender roles also femininity and masculinity aspects. Also how people don’t follow the gender roles we just show them in different ways. Gender roles are taught at such an early age that it’s very difficult to even see them as a lesson. It feels like that’s all there isn’t anymore. It talks about someone is either a boy or a girl and that’s how parents raised someone all their life. Gender role as a male or female …show more content…

It says, “would result in warm and continued relationship with men, a sense of maternity, interest in caring for children, and the capacity to work productively and continuously in female occupations.” (429, Devor) I believe that gender shapes how we behave and relate to one another. Devor explains that by using an educational approach, describing gender stereotypes, and making cultural references. These rhetorical devices serve his larger goal of getting readers to reflect on how their childhoods formed their genders. Devor did a great job giving us some background on why gender is important and how we learn about gender though our first few years of life. As toddles we learn the differences between female and male. When we begin to understand which gender we are, our attitudes and actions quickly take shape. According to Devor, children by the age of two usually understand that they are member of a gender grouping and can correctly identify other members or society. Our brain can process information at a someone …show more content…

I can out my input on things. Especially on how I like both gender but I don’t show it. In this article I found myself an universal like when they talked about other can tell who someone is just by looking at them well I don’t get questioned a lot but I also get asked which am I, because I am my own style. And I would want to wear anything I want and I don’t care what it is as long as I like it. But often people can’t tell like what I like to do or why I do the things I do. We have an age range were we identify of selves about what gender we are. Sometimes we may may put ourselves in one gender group, but society will put someone in a different on depending in someone's gender behavior. In the beginning, Devor introduces the idea of gender identity, he defines it and says that society has based itself on what gender someone are. He also talks about around what age range children begin to get an idea of what gender they are and that is when the children begin gender grouping. Devor also says that some cultures are more accepting because they have more than two gender categories, they don't have to do changes in order to be another gender they can live on the gender role that they desire. He gives us an idea of how children think because he says that children and adults have different ways of seeing gender

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