Determination Essay Examples

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Tommy Lasorda once said, “The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination.” Having determination will take a person a long way in life and help them become successful. The human capacity I most want to nurture as I grow older and into an adult is determination. I have showed this trait before by practicing soccer every night, and I will need to continue to show determination to do good in future jobs. I have showed determination countless times in the past. Ever since I was a little kid, I was taught to do my best at everything I do and finish everything I start. When I first started soccer, I would practice for at least one hour every night to improve my skills. There were some nights when I wasn’t feeling great, but I would still go outside to practice. I was determined to get better, and I knew the only way to do this was to practice. I was also determined to make great grades on all my tests throughout Elementary school. I would study my notes the day before a test, so that I would …show more content…

If I’m around lazy people that quit, then it could influence me to do the same. This is why I like my dad. He constantly pushes me to become a better person than I was yesterday. He is a great influence on me and my siblings. I don’t think I would be as determined as I am today if it wasn’t for him. He would always study with me the day before my test to help me do good. He would also play soccer with me every night. He helped me fix things I was doing wrong and tell me when I did something right. During the summer, he would have me practice math to make me better. I didn’t enjoy it at times, but i know it made me a lot better at math. I wouldn’t be very good if it wasn’t for him. When I started to slack off in something, he would help me get back on track and doing better than I was in the first place. He kept me determined to get better at everything I

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