Determinants Of Health Essay

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The World Health Organisation (WHO) outlines that there are a range of factors that contribute to the health of individuals and communities and these factors combine to affect health outcomes. The determinants of health have been categorised by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare as social determinants, biomedical risk factors and behavioural risk factors. The AIHW classify a determinant as “any factor that can increase the chances of ill health (risk factors) or good health (protective factors) in a population or individual” (AIHW, 2016, p448). The determinants of health can be used to determine an individual’s current health based of their condition and circumstances. Social determinants refer to living and working conditions …show more content…

This biomedical factor impacts Maria’s health as it can cause damaged arteries, stroke, coronary heart disease and dementia (AIHW, 2016). Maria’s fall and instability could be due to her high blood pressure as it can negatively impact cognitive abilities and might cause motor problems. Maria’s relatives had cases of dementia and high blood pressure can be the cause through the narrowing and blocking of arteries that supply blood to the brain. High blood pressure negatively impacts Maria’s health as it increases her risk of chronic disease and/or ill health. This factor was chosen as it directly refers to one of the determinants of health; biomedical risk factors. Maria’s social life and community involvement has been kept to the minimum due to lack of family members and companions. Maria’s unemployment, although retired, increases her risk of disease and illness through the psychological consequences and financial strain. Employment has an impact on both physical and mental health (Barney, 2015). Maria rarely sees her daughter and any other family members on a weekly basis. The AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) have associated increased social capital (degree to which individuals form close bonds) to have a lower morbidity rate and increased life expectancy. Her lack of social capital has a negative impact on her health as it

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