Destruction Of Honesty In Shakespeare's Othello

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Othello is a story of trust, and tragedy. A story of love, and loss. Who caused the aforementioned tragedy, and loss? Why, ‘honest’ Iago, of course. Iago is begrudgingly an ensign in the Venetian military, Under the command of The moor, Othello. Iago loathes the moor, for he chose Michael Cassio, a far younger, and less experienced man to be his lieutenant. Iago vows revenge on Othello, and swears to ruin his life. Now, Iago’s need for power is what drives him to do the awful things he does to Othello, Cassio, and all the others around him.

Iago wants to ruin Othello because Othello chose Cassio for the promotion instead of him, Iago also heard rumors that Othello slept with his wife, Emilia.
“..I hate the Moor, And it is thought abroad that 'twixt my sheets He has done my office. I know not if it be true, But I, for mere suspicion in that kind,Will do as if for surety” (Othello Act I scene III) In this quote, Iago is saying that he hates Othello because he’s heard a rumor around Venice that Othello is having an affair with his wife. The reason Iago was chosen was because he is arguably the main character of the play. Yes the play is called ‘Othello’ but this reader sees Iago as a more realistic, and to be …show more content…

Similarly, The reason Marxist criticism was chosen, was because Iago’s entire reasoning for doing what he does in this play are for power, and revenge. And Marxist focuses on power. “One Michael Cassio, a

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