Destruction Ghetto History

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D uring the holocaust, certain districts of cities and towns were set aside for the Jews. These districts were usually the poorest and dilapidated sections of town. They were called Ghettos. Jews were coerced to live in these ghettos by law.
However, this isn’t the first time we see the term ‘ghetto’. The term ‘ghetto’ first originated from the name of the Jewish neighborhood in Venice, where the Jews had to live segregated from the non-Jewish population, according to Venetian authorities.
The Nazis established these ghettos for the Jews temporarily while they decided what the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question” was going to be. Ghettos were established to isolate the Jews from the non-Jews and from other Jewish communities. There were three types of ghettos: Closed ghettos, Open ghettos, and Destruction ghettos.
Closed ghettos were blocked off by walls or barbed wired fences. Most ghettos were closed. Open ghettos had no walls or fences but had limits on entering and leaving the ghetto. Their citizenship was taken away and they were removed from the economic and social life of the gentiles. The most abhorrent type of ghetto was the Destruction ghetto. Destruction ghettos were thoroughly enclosed and lasted from two to six weeks before the Nazis either deported or liquidated the remaining Jews of the ghettos. The Jews were put into these ghettos until the Nazis were ready to transport them to death camps.
In October 1939, the Nazis established the first ghetto in Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland. During the course of the holocaust, the Nazis set up over one thousand ghettos. All Jews were forced out of their homes, leaving most of their possessions behind, and put into ghettos where they were held prisoners. Some ethnic groups w...

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... that hid had fought the Germans for about a month, even though the Germans had destroyed them after days of the burning of the Warsaw uprising.Stroop had captured 56,065 Jews and had destroyed 631 bunkers.
He commanded the destruction of the Great synagogue on Tlomacki Street on May, 1943 to celebrate the German victory. The ghetto was ruined. During the uprising He had killed 7,000 Jews. 7,000 Jews of Warsaw were deported to the Treblinka killing center by the Germans.
Almost all of the Warsaw Jews were killed in the gas chambers, the moment they arrived. The Germans had deported the Jews to the to the Lublin/Majdanek concentration camp, and to the Poniatowa, Trawniki, Budzyn, and Krasnik forced labor camps. The German’s plan was to liquidate the ghetto in only 3 days, but the fighters of the ghetto managed to keep it the ghetto there for more than a full month.

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