Design optimization of reentry vehicle

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We must meet a set of requirements to achieve mission objectives that mark the beginning of a space-mission planning. The re-entry phase of a mission is no different. The three most competitive requirements that must be delicately balanced are
• Deceleration
• Heating
• Accuracy of landing or impact

The vehicle’s structure and payload limit the maximum deceleration or “g’s” it can withstand. (One “g” is the gravitational acceleration at Earth’s surface—9.798 m/s2. The amount of deceleration is so high that even steel and aluminum can crumple like paper. Fortunately, the structural g limits for a well-designed vehicle can be quite high, perhaps hundreds of g’s. But in case of a fragile human payload, it would be crushed to death long before reaching that level. Humans can withstand a maximum deceleration of about 12 g’s (about 12 times their weight) for only a few minutes at a time.

Just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, the maximum deceleration a vehicle experiences during re-entry must be low enough to prevent damage or injury to the weakest part of the vehicle. But maximum g’s aren’t the only concern of re-entry designers. Too little deceleration can also cause serious problems. Similar to a rock skipping off a pond, a vehicle that doesn’t slow down enough may literally bounce off the atmosphere and back into the cold reaches of space.

Another limitation during re-entry is heating. The fiery trail of a meteor streaking across the night sky is an extremely good example to show that re-entry can get hot! This intense heat is a result of friction between the speeding meteor and the air. How hot can something get during re-entry? The Space Shuttle in orbit has a mass of 100,000 kg (220,000 lb.), an orbital veloc...

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... burn. This burn changes the Shuttle’s trajectory to re-enter the atmosphere by establishing a –1° to – 2° re-entry flight-path angle. After this maneuver, the Shuttle is on “final approach.” Because it has no engines to provide thrust in the atmosphere, it gets only one chance to make a landing!
Preparing to hit the atmosphere (just like a skipping stone), the Shuttle rotates its nose to a 40° angle of attack, that means the nose is pitched up 40° with respect to the velocity vector. This high angle of attack exposes it’s wide, flat bottom to the atmosphere. At an altitude of about 122,000 m (400,000 ft.), the re-entry interface takes place. Here the atmosphere begins to be dense enough for the re-entry phase to begin. From this point, more than 6400 km (4000 mi.) from the runway, the Shuttle will land in about 45 minutes.
The reentry profile has been shown below.

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