Desert Solitaire Analysis

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In the works Genesis, Desert Solitaire, and National Parks they all have an underline theme of nature being the most important thing for our environment. In all of the readings the author’s essential message was to bring new beginnings and spread the word that everyone should experience nature for their self. I feel like many people have not experience what all our environment has to offer such as National Parks. Finally, most importantly take care of our environment do not sabotage it and just the simple things count. The quicker we start exploring nature the better our way of treating our environment will be. The book of the bible Genesis God created the earth the ground we walk on today. This is where nature comes from when “God said, …show more content…

In the reading of National Park he truly believes “Thousands are tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life.” This states that it gives citizens life just to go out and nature and experience it and it is our home. Abbey feels that it is our duty and that “wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread.” The most essential thing is to experience the beauty of wilderness for yourself just as much as you eat everyday. Lastly, all three of the works overlap one another through nature being the essential purpose for life. The underline idea starts off with Genesis with God creating the earth and nature within it additionally the other two works are how we need to appreciate nature. In the world technology is destroying our minds and the future generations. As teenagers most of us rather play the video game inside than go outside. All of these authors published their books years ago and today the objective remains the same. In this cruel world of ours things come and go but the time to see nature will never

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