Desensitization Of Body Image

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There are about 7.2 billion people and over 3.47 billion of them are male. It would be unrealistic to believe that none of them has insecurities. It would be ridiculous to think that none of them are judged on a daily basis on if they are, "manly enough". The world teaches young males that they must provide for the female, that they must be strong to protect the female. Yet, if we teach girls that they are valuable and that they can provide for themselves; then why do we not teach boys that they do not have to show themselves as alpha males? If you go back to the beginning of time, you will always portray men to be strong and muscular. Pressure for ideal body image from media affects both genders because; men are desensitized; both female …show more content…

For example, when a little boy begins to cry, the parent would wipe away his tears and say to him that real men do not cry. Why do we do this if he is nothing but a child? If we ever see a female crying, most people will try to comfort her. Nevertheless, if we ever see a male crying, it is unknown how to handle the situation. In addition, they are often judged for it by being called weak, gay, or a multitude of insults aimed to lower a man’s confidante simply for showing emotion. On they wrote an article titled "10 things every woman should know about men". Scientist says that it is because men’s brains are not wired the same as women's. "Men are not supposed to voice their emotions" (Steve Wells, 2014) There are other stereotypes that pressure a male out of showing emotion such as nice guys finish last. The first step towards fixing this issue is to stop telling the younger generation these things, even if they do grow up to be …show more content…

This was the case in the past and might still be for people in other countries but for the western hemisphere, women are becoming more and more independent and less in need of a man. Men seem to not understand this evolution and still believe women need to depend on them and that they must provide. In multiple cartoons from classics like The Flintstones or The Jetsons to more modern day cartoons such as F is for family, Bobs Burger and American dad, show that the family depends on the most dominant man. That shows our growing youth that they are supposed to be the "man of the house". This pattern shows that throughout history, men have always kept the most powerful roles. That be if they are exploring some new places or if they are making new laws and changing their community in a drastic way, something that all of these men have in common is that they are predominantly white. In addition, this obstacle is set for men of other nationalities or other skin tones and for the white male himself, since he is expected to be at the top of the food

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