Descriptive Essay About The Wedding

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Having beautiful white dressing and all these red and blue flowers around the chair and table will make people more beautiful. Different kind of lights in the people face was with smell in the face made wedding ceremony more enjoyable. Here i came in muslim wedding ceremony with lots of guest and relatives that were invited in the wedding. I was just joined the wedding ceremony when i just walked in there they were recept me from the flowers and welcoming me as well. I was little nervous because they were stranger for me but later on i will use to it and motivated myself to get as much information as i can. At first i meet the most important people there and ask about the muslim wedding list because it will make my essay really …show more content…

The connection between muslim and hindu wedding was that they had same responsibility toward to each other and have to promise to stay with each other Muslim People give an extremely advice that included in in the future and present. They are very responsible with each other and they know how to respect their guest who was invited. The most interested me is the beautiful dresses, colorful lights around the house, decoration. I feel like something is out of contradictory with guest because they give more importance to their relatives instance of serving the guest. People are talking on the phone all the time instead of welcoming the guest i observe 2 things while visiting in muslim wedding. My observations did not upset any of my preconceptions because its my own interest going there and learned something from it. The things i learned from visiting the muslim wedding ceremony was responsibility to each other, promising with each other to stay together, give so much importance to “Quran book.” however i also learned the experience of begin guest in muslim …show more content…

People with beautiful dress very loud music. People were start dancing as a couple as i was watching them with the lought music. There is a food for everyone i taste a bit of sponge and also drink a waters with ice there are different kind of drink. I think they made in home not from the store. The food i taste was vegetables cheese it was very spicy but also has softness while eating its was very delicious. There is tons of food such as white rice, sambal, samosa, pappadam and etc. people from different culture bring lots of homemade food which smell weird but taste was really amazing many people, also brought from the restaurant. I did not taste The relationship between people and place was they all have one church to get married everyone was invited there such as relatives, friends, family and neighbors. They all collect the money from every muslim who went church every weekend to build small church, so they can let every muslim to have wedding ceremony. all different kind of food because some food smell really bad. I was change little bit because i saw many people are following their laws which some people will not follow in our culture, but definitely learned many new things and gain more knowledge and get to introduce with many different kind of people. The event that i was observe was there is some space that was unsafe and people are unaware of it. I saw the people are drinking the beer talking

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