Descriptive Essay About My Neighborhood

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My neighborhood is pretty quiet, so when it is nice outside I go to the tennis courts and do yoga. The tennis courts are never occupied so I have the freedom to go anywhere I want. I never actually go onto the courts but right outside them in the grass. To the left sits a grassy field filled with weeds and wild flowers, a truly beautiful sight. Behind the small field there is a thin layer of trees to separate my neighborhood from the next. Peeking through the trees is a silver fence, which encloses a backyard that is always filled with dogs. Big dogs I presume, because they are quite loud. A big tree sits on the other side of the tennis courts, with its massive roots peeking through the dirt. Also on the other side of the courts sits a bench swing, looking over the neighborhood close by. I had never really paid the lone bench swing any mind, but now I can’t seem to leave it. …show more content…

I had just finished my yoga session and the temperature outside was phenomenal. I decided to wander around and take in natures beauty while capturing a few photos of the wild flowers and other things in nature. After a while of lying in the grass and wandering around the field, I found myself at the big tree, capturing its roots. By this time the sun was starting to set and the sky filled with shades of pink and orange. The colors so bright and vivid, it makes me think snow cones in the summer. With this thought and being taken by the skies natural beauty, I wanted to enjoy it for as long as I

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