Maracaibo: A Cultural and Economic Powerhouse

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I was born in a city known for its happy and friendly people. Maracaibo, a city known as the “city of the lovely sun” located in the north western of Venezuela. It is a very famous city for its people and its culture. One of the things that make us very different from the rest is the way we speak, the words we have invented and how we can exaggerate anything like an expression or a story. Further, Maracaibo is a city that has given a lot to the country due to its abundant reserves of oil that has made Venezuela one the biggest oil producers in the planet. In addition, Maracaibo is the capital of a state that is full other resources as well like agriculture and cattle raising. I come from a very united family where good values, union, education and …show more content…

My big brother despite of his grumpy personality that made have for any reason some difficult moments when we were growing up, he is now one the person I trust the most and who I can share anything when I need advice with any issue and decision I have to make. Even though my brother and I are very closed and united at the moment, I still feel some rancor feelings with him because of those ungraceful moments I had with him, moments where he could guide me, teach me and be a friend instead of being a judge to everything I did. But, I always try to forget about it and enjoy this time of great brotherhood. On the other hand, my little sister has always been very closed to me, she has always looked for my advice, and I think I have been there for her every time she has needed; obviously, we have had our fights and discussion, but those were issues we have overcome by a simple talking. Since I moved to Houston three years ago to study and improved my education, I have really missed my family. Even though we make the use of technology and have communication almost every day, sometimes I need of those moments of family reunion where we could spend hours of talking and having lots of

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