Descriptive Essay About Horse Racing

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The Sport of Kings, or horse racing as it exists today, is a sport that numerous different people appreciate. When my wife and I went we pulled into the parking lot at the Fairmont race track at five minutes until seven o’clock in the evening. The sun had not set, although it was getting lower and the evening was quickly cooling off. Glancing across the lot I noticed there were cars and trucks of every shape and size arriving. The best parking spaces on the worn out, potholed asphalt lot were taken, nevertheless I have a disabled placard and found a spot fairly close to the door. Not too close though, there was only a few of the handicap spaces left. Such an amount of handicap people attending horse races is remarkable. As we were getting out of …show more content…

Across the room almost all of the crowd are dropping their betting slips onto the floor. There are a few that head toward the teller booths. Only a few. The winners. In a short time once again the speakers broadcast, “Ten minutes to Post time.” and it starts again. Two hours have gone by and everything has changed to where a person would not recognize it’s the same place. Now all the tables seem to be occupied by people studying their Race Programs, although to be honest, it’s crowded with people and I cannot observe all of the tables clearly. The floor, which seemed clean at the start of the race day, now looks odd covered with loosing bet stubs and trash which people were constantly throwing down. With all the people came an increase in noise so it became difficult to hear what someone nearby was saying. The teller agents appeared tired as you could tell when you went to place a bet. The person placing the bet better understand what they are doing since the agent was not afraid to tell you to come back later. Place a bet and move out of the way came to be the agent’s attitude. Here and there throughout the building you can find where someone spilled their drink, probably beer or soda, on the

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