Describe the importance of Calpurnia in the lives of the Finch family,

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Describe the importance of Calpurnia in the lives of the Finch family, and in the novel as a whole. Calpurnia is more than just a family cook to the Finch’s. She also acts as the mother to Jem and Scout by helping to bring them up, teaching them right from wrong, disciplining them and comforting them when they were upset because their mother died when they were very young. She has worked for the Finch’s for a very long time and has a very firm control over the children which causes Scout to resent her. Atticus trusts and supports Calpurnia because he considers her as a very important member of the family. For example he says “Alexandra, Calpurnia’s not leaving this house until she wants to. You may think otherwise, but I couldn’t have got along without her all these years. She’s a faithful member of this family and you’ll simply have to accept things the way they are”, when Aunt Alexandra wanted to get rid of her. When Aunt Alexandra came to live with Atticus, Jem and Scout she told Atticus that she wanted to get rid of Calpurnia. This was because Aunt Alexandra w...

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