Describe The Importance Of Homeostasis

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The main purpose of eating is to get the nutrients from the food, which you need in order to maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis is the maintenance of internal environment of your body. Everything in your body, from cells to tissues and organs, all need the nutrition to function. There’re more functions that the nutrients help with. For example, metabolism of amino acids, glucose, fat and proteins, growth and repair of tissues and cells, and many can prevent blood clotting. The five nutrients are carbohydrates, protein, lipids, vitamins and minerals. The essential nutrients that your body can’t produce, must come from the food you consume.
Main source of energy
• Made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
• Basic carbohydrates are simple sugars
Simple sugars
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• is broken down during digestion into simple sugars like glucose, for your body to absorb
• made and stored in plants
• polymer of glucose monomers with straight rigid structure
• strong- makes up plant cell walls
• makes up fiber like celery
• Grains, fruits and vegetables contain fiber that helps you digest • Raw material for growth and repair of cells and tissues
• Makes up enzymes and hormones for cell metabolism
• For movement, eyesight and digestion
• Polymer made of amino acid monomers
Amino acids
• Organisms use 20 types of amino acids to make protein
• Your body can only make 12 types, so the rest must come from the food you eat
• Meat, cheese, eggs, beans, nuts
• different proteins have different numbers and order of amino acids
• the order determines the function and structure
Fats, oils and cholesterol
• Provide energy and key components in cell membranes, neurons and hormones • Made of chains of fatty acids hooked to glycerol molecules
Fats and oils
• Store lots of chemical energy in organisms
• Animal fat-meat, butter
• Plant fat- oil like olive oil, peanut oil
• Both contain glycerol, a molecule, bonded to fatty acids
• Your body can make fatty acids but you need essential fatty acids from

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