Descartes Skepticism Summary

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What was Descartes’ proposal, and how did his Scholastic education influence it?
Descartes proposal speculates that the world was once in chaos and came to being in a different structure than it is today. It has gone through different stages, and the permanent lasting elements are the laws God made. These laws made it advance into its present state. His Scholastic education influence it in conclusions, upholding Divine law, and Gods transcendence.
How is skepticism important to Cartesian philosophy?
Skepticism is important as one of the foundations of Cartesian philosophy. Descartes looked to crush and overcome skepticism by starting with it and working through it. Descartes starts by questioning everything such as; God, loJayjUgic and evidence. …show more content…

Though “I think, therefore I am” still applies to the evil genius. Descartes tried to build a reliable foundation for knowledge on the idea of God. He stated that Gods existence cannot be proven from human experience like the evil genius is. It can only be proven by Gods actual existence.
Can the Evil Genius refute the cogito? Is there any way to “refute” the cogito?
I believe the Evil Genius can refute the cogito. If the Evil Genius can trick us into thinking any and everything, then where did thinking that there is a God come from. The Evil Genius can also place the same image that there must be a higher deity. It could being tricking us that we are even think at all, or even exist. I think the cogito can be refuted in that things do exist but do not think. Atom give and share electrons in order to complete their electron cloud. I the atom does not think that boning will help complete it, it just does it.
How did Descartes answer the materialists’ rejection of free …show more content…

What is its significance to Locke’s empiricism?
The tabularusa is the idea that when men are born our minds are a complete blank state. It is significant to Locke’s empiricism in that senses write the information on our black slate. As we learn, experience and see things the slate become filled will Knowledge.
Explain the philosophical significance of the question “Does a tree falling in the forest make a sound if no one is there to hear it?” Then answer it as Berkeley would.
The significance of the question “Does a tree falling in the forest make a sound if no one is there to hear it?” is that if our senses are not there to take it in, it raises the question of it being real. We don’t see the tree fall, hear it, or even feel the impact. So we are only left to image the tree falling. George Berkeley would have said the tree made no sound.
Why is the distinction between impressions and ideas important to Hume’s philosophy?
The distinction between impressions and ideas are important so that ideals can be traced to impressions. No matter how wild, creative, unique an idea maybe it is all still derived from an impression.
Apply the empirical criterion of meaning to an example of your own

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