Derek William Bentley Defence Speech

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Derek William Bentley Defence Speech

High Judge, honourable jury, distinguished court members. The case for

the defence is this.

On the 2nd of November, two misunderstood, vulnerable, young men, were

accused of the accidental death of the late PC Miles, of the Z

Division. These children have got caught up in the grasp of society's

whirlwind of crime and destruction, and have not been able to escape

its hands. Society's breakdown has forced these boys into crime and

burglary, a crime that is not to be confused with such a thing as

murder. The dictionary definition for murder is this, 'the unlawful

killing of another human being'. A child could not plan such a thing

as murder. A child of below average intelligence could not plan such a

thing as murder. A child who was feeble-minded and of, below average

intelligence, such as Bentley, could not plan such a complex thing as

murder. These boys could not have planned it and are innocent.

Bentley is innocent and we should be able to forgive an innocent boy,

who was involved in the wrong crowd. Why can we not turn the other

cheek to a boy who caused no harm? Why can we not forgive and forget a

child who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the wrong

person. Why do we have to carry out the inhumane act of brutally

hanging a young boy for something he did not do? Something he did not

want? Something he did not plan? If Derek Bentley is sentenced to be

hanged, we will only be showing him off as an example. An example that

an innocent child can be killed for something he did not commit. An

example of how heartless, merciless and savage the British and its

government have now become. Hanging Bentley will not change the world

around us that is full of crime and desolation. It will only prove how

unreasonable and unjust we are.

In order to show that we, the British, are just and reasonable, let's

clarify Bentley's innocence, and examine what exactly happened on that

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