Depression In Bartleby The Scrivener

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Today’s world seems to be getting better. Technology is improving, quality of life is improving, and life expectancy is going up. However, the suicide and depression rate is as high as it has ever been, specifically in the workforce. This issue is not recent though, it has been around for at least as long since Herman Melville wrote “Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street.” His story shows a worker who is brought into depression by his isolation and work. Bartleby shows many of the signs of depression such as loss of interest in his job, lack of energy, and an overall lack luster attitude. Melville could have been making a statement at his own biography in this story in that his later writings or “dead letters” were unpopular at the time, but even so Bartleby is depressed. Depression is a bigger issue than it was. Today’s numbers show that about 70% of the workforce is unhappy with their job or feel disconnected, and for Bartleby, that lead straight to depression. There are several factors to what causes depression. Genes can affect the risk of depression. People who have had a history of depression in their family are at a much higher risk of depression. In fact, people who have a family member have a 2 to 3 greater risk of depression (Levinson). Siblings or children of people with recurring depression have run the risk of depression 4 to 5 times higher than the average person. However, people do not just simply inherit depression from their parents. There are a multiple genes that affect depression, and since each person has a unique makeup, depression isn’t just inherited. There are other factors too (Levinson). Other factors that can cause depression are biochemical environment, personal experience and psychologica... ... middle of paper ... ... pointed out by Melville Bartleby’s whole life is his job, but he quickly loses interest in that too and sinks into depression. This is still a common experience today. About 9 percent of adults in America struggle with depression (Current Depression among Adults). Depression is quickly becoming a widespread epidemic. The question is, do we live a society that causes depression? Depression trends have definitely gone up over time, and there could be several factors to this. Recently with the technology age we are constantly bombarded as a society by perfectionism. Often the media presents goals for our lives in the form of celebrities that we can never attain. As one author puts it “Media-saturation celebrates unattainable superstar lifestyles and airbrushed perfection, so that social comparisons are no longer local and realistic.” (A Depression Inducing Society?)

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