Deportation Case Study

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What are the causes of the problem?

Although the causes of high levels of deportation are numerous and complex, they fall into two broad categories: push and pull factors and decentralization and fragmentation of immigration policy implementation. Push and pull factors force many migrants from around the world, particularly from other parts of Central America and Africa, to migrate west. Asylum seekers cited political instability, oppression, poor human health and social conditions, and the very bleak economic prospects in their countries as reasons for emigration.

Unclear policy and disagreement on objectives result in fragmented policy implementation. A lack of definition and agreement on policy objectives inhibits drafting and finalizing new policies and laws. Implications of unclear policy objectives decentralize decision making to front line agents who arrest detain and deport immigrants in a fragmented, inefficient manner. Initially, the draft Green Paper on international Migration …show more content…

What policies should the government use for deportation in the United States? This brief proposes economic efficiency, equitable distribution, equity and political feasibility as prime policy goals. First, because of unclear policy objectives, implementation of immigration policy through deportation amplify insufficient budget allocation, draining public resources. Economic efficiency should be a primary policy goal of immigration implementation. The primary measure of the projected impact of each alternative is ease of enforcement of regulations and degree of flexibility.

Second, costs and benefits of immigration should be fairly distributed. Alternative policies have implications for government revenues and expenditures. Fairness to the American taxpayer and immigrant should be a concern. In achieving an equitable distribution, policy should be interested in the fairness impact on two groups; taxpayer and Immigrant.

Possible policy

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