Dependency In Brave New World Essay

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The technological advancements of recent years have been astonishing.Technology has evolved with humanity and been molded to fit the needs of people today. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is a warning of over dependency on technology. Societal standards have changed drastically through the years thanks to the massive improvements in technology and the world. With that, the diversity available between the consumer and the standards of beauty have transformed. Proponents of technological advancements and its effects claim that it is harmless. However, a more accurate view of this issue is that over dependency will lead to a social downfall and the thin line between actuality and make-believe will become blurred.
Controversy has been generated
It has been shown in studies that standards of beauty go hand in hand with biological factors. The theory of evolutionary biology is that beauty standards are those that will attract a mate. In Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, the standards of beauty and the notion of female beauty in the novel is fascinating. There is a moment in the story where the citizens react to Linda’s “unacceptable” appearance. Natural aging has turned her into quite a repulsive image. In the novel, intellect and beauty become almost synonymous with each other. But when placed in comparison to the society of today, it can not be said that society is much different. Fashion and perfection is dictated by the media and technology available in the world and the youth of today does nothing except feed into it. Females and males are on separate levels of complexity when it comes to this idea. People today are on a never-ending search for youth and beauty but the real question that needs to be asked is if that truly brings happiness. Standards of beauty and technological advancements have worked hand in hand over the years and created the mentality established in the minds of young people

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