Department Of Health And Human Services Essay

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What is the Department of Health and Human Services? The Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) is a federal government agency tasked with protecting health and providing basic human services. This department separated from the Department of Education in 1979. Below introduces this important department and explains how their services help Americans every day. The History of the Department of Health and Human Services The Federal Security Agency (FSA) was established in the 1940’s and included a Public Health Service (PHS) department. After World War II, major program changes resulted in expanded services and stronger legislation. After the separate of the Education and Health and Human Services departments, the HSS become an independent agency. In fact, special agents who work for the Office of Inspector General (OIG) are empowered to investigate crimes for the HSS. These special agents typically investigate white collar crime, such as Medicare fraud. What Careers are Available at the Department of Health and Human Services? …show more content…

An HSS employee could work at a Self Sufficiency branch as a Human Service Specialist that interviews and provides SNAP and health care benefits to eligible families. An HSS employee could also work at the CDC to research possible vaccinations for new infectious diseases. Still, an HSS employee could be a Community Outreach Specialist who spends their time working with community, religious and non-profit organizations to provide critical human service solutions for foster children or homeless people. Regardless of the job choice, a career at HSS is a rewarding journey that will improve the safety, health and quality of life people in the

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