Denethor’s, Pippin’s and Gandalf’s Conversations with Death

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In book V of The Lord of the Rings, there are several characters that die, or come extremely close to dying. Three of these characters, Denethor II, Gandalf, and Peregrin Took (Pippin), as well as their choices and actions in response to their seemingly impending doom, will be the focal point of this essay.

Pippin is a “teenaged” hobbit, and the youngest of the Company that set out from Rivendell. His moment comes during the attack on the Black Gate, the entrance to Mordor. Upon hearing the fate of Frodo and Sam, and Gandalf’s rejection of Sauron’s terms, he was horrified. It is stated that “it seemed best to him to die soon and leave the bitter story of his life, since it was all in ruin.” Frodo and Sam were presumed dead, Sauron had the Ring, and Gandalf had just pretty much sent them all on a kamikaze attack on the Black Gate. Things were looking pretty bleak for him, and, in fact, all of them, so his despair is quite a reasonable reaction to the situation. In spite of the unfortunate circumstances Pippin found himself in, he bravely faced down the forces of Mordor, even smiting...

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